ACT NOW: Farm Bill Advocacy ALERT

Call your House Representative May 20-23, 2024! In May the Senate and House Agriculture Committees released two competing visions for the next farm bill. Call your House Representative and urge them to oppose Chairman Thompson’s Farm Bill. For those New York members—Rep. Molinaro and Rep. Langworthy—on the House Agriculture Committee, ask them to vote “No” on the bill at Committee markup. 

We’ve created an easy to use call script to make your voice heard effectively - taking 3 minutes to voice your opinion and share personal stories and data-driven arguments can make a real difference!


The Farm Bill is a federal law that governs our farm and food system—what kind of food farmers grow, how much it costs, who has access to land and resources to farm, and who benefits. The Farm Bill is usually renewed every five years and was up for reauthorization in September 2023. However, when lawmakers disagreed over funding they instead extended it and is now set to expire in September 2024. A new Farm Bill presents an opportunity to reshape our food system and build upon lessons learned from the pandemic, which highlighted the importance of local food systems and supply chains.

Photo credit: La Semilla Farm Bill Zine



Equity Advocates, Black Farmers United NYS , and Food for the Spirit co-led a months-long series of listening sessions, prioritizing hearing from Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) farmers, producers, & practitioners in NY State. Over 300 New Yorkers shared how the 2023 Farm Bill can better support them in terms of land access, urban agriculture, climate change, nutrition, regional food systems, and more.

The resulting policy platform represents a collective voice from NYS food leaders, farmers, gardeners, land stewards, producers and advocates.

Learn more about the Farm Bill and our campaign here.